
8 Steps to Laying a Strong Foundation for Good Mental Health

Mental Health

Do you know that just the way you take care of your physical health, it is equally important to take care of your mental health? Our mental health influences how we think and behave in our day-to-day life. Good mental health helps you look at life positively, become resilient, build stronger relationships, cope with stress, and live a happy life. It helps us to stay steady and focused both in good times and bad times.

Mental Health

How to build an excellent mental health routine?

Here are 8 healthy mental health routine tips suggested by certified holistic health counselors. Following them regularly will help you live a depression, anxiety, and stress-free healthy life. 

Practice self-care

Take care of your body and mind by eating a healthy diet, exercise every day, and sleep well. If you’re constantly feeling stress, opt for free online depression chat counseling to assess your condition and treatment, if needed. 

Self Care


Take time off from gadgets

Constant social media exposure can create a stir of FOMO. Find out time every day to unplug and disconnect from all media and electronics. Unwind reading a book, listening to music, cuddling a pet, or just speaking with your family face to face. 


Engage in creative activities

Whether you love to sing, dance, draw, sketch, play an instrument, do gardening, crafting or sewing, engage yourself in some creative activities that you enjoy doing. Creative activity helps release dopamine that has a calming effect on the brain and body. 



Meditation and mindfulness make your mind calmer and helps to build a positive outlook towards life. 


Prioritize your to-do list

We often tend to do easy and quick things just to kick off them from the to-do list. And then we’re left with the most important things at the end of the day, and the panic button hits. Instead, prioritize your to-do list. Begin your day doing the most important things first. That way, you will be more relaxed by the time you wind up.


Talk about your feelings

Don’t shy away from talking about your feelings. Reach out for help if needed. For example, if you’re having a strained relation with your spouse, consider holistic marriage counseling. 


Allow yourself some ‘me time’

It is essential to allow yourself some time to destress. It could be a five-minute break from your regular chores or a weekend getaway to explore new places. Taking a break from the mundane allows your mind to relax and rejuvenate. 

Accept yourself

Finally, learn to accept yourself the way you are. Do not self criticize or think negatively about yourself. Remember, you live for yourself and no one else. 

Accept Yourself

Mental health is critical for your overall well-being. It is also often neglected. Remember it takes time to build a good mental health routine, so be consistent and practice the above tips everyday. If you’re struggling to take care of your mental health, if you’re feeling depressed, or anxious, consider taking a free online consultation for depression.

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